Signup for StartSSL

We need to signup before we start using services of startSSL like generating SSL certificate. Let’s signup for startSSL in 8 easy steps.

  1. Signup for startssl. Signup for startssl Click on top left corner of the page for sign up.

  2. Enter you personal details. Enter you personal details Click on continue button.

  3. StartCom will send an email on provided email with authentication code. authentication code email Copy the authentication code from the email.

  4. Paste the authentication code you copied from email in previous step. paste your code Click on continue button.

  5. Generate Private Key Generate Private Key Click on continue button. It will generate a private key for you.

  6. Install certificate Install Certificate It will generate a certificate then install on your current browser. You will also get email with instructions reg. your certificate & private key. email with private key instructions You must take backup of your certificate & private key as per instructions on .

  7. Congratulations! SSL signup Finish Click on Finish button.

  8. You are validated for class 1 class 1 validation Now you have access to Tool Box, Certification Wizard & Validation Wizard.

Signup process for startSSL is complete.

Use Validation Wizard to validate like your domain. Certification Wizard to generate private key, generate CSR & apply for certificate. Tool Box to get your certificate.

Ashish Pandey

Bengaluru, India