nginx (pronounced engine-x) is a free, open-source, light-weight, high-performance, load balancer, HTTP cache, and a web server.
The StartSSL certificate is compatible with nginx. Configure ngnix to use it in this last part of the series.
- Introduction: Get SSL Certificate (Free) & Enable https on nginx
- Signup for StartSSL
- Part 1/2 - Get SSL certificate (free)
We need to modify nginx.conf file, in my case it is located at /etc/ngnix folder.
Synopsis: Topics covered are, roughly. A. Place SSL certificate & private key file on server B. Configure nginx for SSL C. Include some important security stuff on nginx D. Check grade on SSLlabs
we already have done most time consuming task for SSL. Now it’s time to feel good. Let’s finish the job.
- Go to your nginx folder & create a directory name ‘ssl’. This is the directory we will use to keep SSL certificate & private key
[nginx]$mkdir ssl
Place both files (ssl-unified.crt & ssl.key) in the folder. There are several ways to do this. I created empty files with same name in ‘ssl’ folder on server.
[nginx]$cd ssl
[ssl]$sudo nano ssl-unified.crt
Copy and paste the content of local ssl-unified.crt file. Save it ctrl+o
then exit ctrl+x
[ssl]$sudo nano ssl.key
Copy and paste the content of local ssl.key file. Save it ctrl+o
then exit ctrl+x
Verify if both files are there. [ssl]$ls -l
As pointed in previous blog, Protect your key from prying eyes. Run
chmod 600 ssl.key
Finally we’re able to configure nginx. Here’s the config I’m using (don’t forget to reload/restart nginx after a config change)
http { ... server\_tokens off; add\_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; add\_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"; # server { listen 80; server\_name; return 301 https://$host$request\_uri; # location / { ... } ... } # HTTPS server server { listen 443 ssl default deferred; server\_name; # ssl on; ssl\_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl-unified.crt; ssl\_certificate\_key /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl.key; # ssl\_session_cache shared:SSL:50m; ssl\_session\_timeout 5m; # ssl\_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl\_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; ssl\_prefer\_server\_ciphers on; # add\_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;"; # location / { ... } } }
Save the nginx.conf. If you are interested to see some more security parameters and it’s explanation, there is nice gist It’s worth to check it out. -
Restart nginx to get nginx.conf changes.
$sudo service nginx restart
If above command doesn’t work for you then you might want to refer this
Open browser and enter it should go to automatically with green padlock.
Congratulations!!! You have successfully installed SSL and enabled your domain for https.
- It’s time to go through litmus test, not really. Go to SSLLabs website for ssltest.
Enter your domain name & hit enter. It takes couple of mins to return with test result.
Bingo! You must have got A grade, as I got.
Smile :) This is very very good rating. I am sure, A+ rating can be achieved with few more config on nginx.
Seriously, if you made it through the entire guide, it’s very impressive. Enjoy your SSL cert and let me know your experience / remarks through twitter link or email me at [email protected].
Happy Learning!